
The Great Incarnation

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The Great Incarnation

The Great Incarnation of the Lord. In Hindu Dharma (Sanatan Dharma) there are four legs of the time. It is like a round table having 360 degrees. It doesn’t have any beginning or end but the Yugas( Legs) merge into another Yuga. The 1st Yuga begins with Satya Yuga. This yuga is so ancient that it is very difficult to time it. The 2nd Yuga is the Treta Yuga. The 3rd Yuga is Dwapar Yuga, and the last one is the Kali Yuga, the yuga in which we are living.
These 4 yugas are the 4 limbs of the time. By the Hindu Dharma Concept the Kali yuga will merge into the Satya yuga but it is still very far away. Now with every yuga Sri Vishnu takes various avatar or incarnation to protect the dharma. Here dharma should not be confused with the religion, rather it is the righteousness and the code of conduct or ethics by which a person should live. As the Sanatan means the eternal so the Hinduism is eternal something which is endless. Coming back to Sri Vishnu, he is said to take 10 avatars by some text books but what in astrology is taught is of the 9 avatars. These 9 avatars have a special importance in the astrology. As we know in the Vedic astrology it is considered to have 9 planets except Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.
In every yuga Sri Hari Vishnu took many such incarnations. The name of each incarnation and the planets related to it are mentioned in the following paragraph. Now when we are studying the Vedic astrology we must take this topic as a foundation of the whole system because unless we are aware of the incarnations and its importance in the astrology it will be very difficult to grasp the concept of Vedic astrology.

The Great Incarnation

The Incarnations and its name and the planets influenced by it are as under

Incarnations Planets
Matsya (Fish) Ketu(South Node)
Koorma(Tortoise) Shani(Saturn)
Varaha(Wild Pig) Rahu(North Node)
Narsimha(Half Lion Half Man) Mangal(Mars)
Vamana(Dwarf) Guru(Jupiter)
Prashu Rama Sukra(Venus)
Sri Rama Surya(Sun)

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